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Monday, 9 January 2017


The PAST TENSE indicates that an action is in the past relative to the speaker or writer.
when the time period has finished: "We went to Chicago last Christmas."
when the time period is definite: "We visited Mom last week."
with for, when the action is finished: "I worked with the FBI for two months."
Regular verbs use the verb's base form (scream, work) plus the -ed ending (screamed, worked). Irregular verbs alter their form in some other way (slept, drank, drove).
Students for whom English is a second language sometimes (quite understandably) have trouble distinguishing between the Simple Past and the Present Perfect tenses. There is more information about the difference between these two tenses available under the Present Perfect description.
I walkedwe walked
you walkedyou walked
he/she/it walkedthey walked

I sleptwe slept
you sleptyou slept
he/she/it sleptthey slept

I waswe were
you wereyou were
he/she/it wasthey were

When I was a girl, I walked five miles to school every day. 
Carmelita slept through the entire class. 
We worked really hard to make this a success, but then Chuck ruined it with his carelessness. 
Every time I finished a sandcastle, the waves came in and washed it away. 
Tarzan dove into the swamp and swam toward the alligator.

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